Welcome to Meyersville Presbyterian Church
We are a small church who welcomes and finds a spot for everyone. We are a family-oriented church who ministers to and with people from a variety of backgrounds. We are a church who values our Presbyterian and Reformed traditions, and at the same time, continues to seek new ways, new visions for Christian discipleship.
As well as worship we also run a whole host of activities within the local community. Here, on our website, you will find information about our book club, regular events, our music program and church school. We also produce a monthly newsletter, The Messenger, as a pdf you can read online or download and print.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Sunday Worship Service, March 23, 2025
All our welcome to our in person services which are held for the month of March at our partner church First Presbyterian Church of Stirling at 10:00 am.Our Joint-Church Mission Committee has chosen One Great Hour of Sharing
Ending hunger, repairing after disasters, and promoting the self-development of all people. OGHS is a special offering of the Presbyterian Church USA. Both our churches have a long history of giving to the One Great Hour of Sharing as it supports the very hands-on ministries of the PCUSA, including the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Please give generously in 2025.