Sunday Worship Service - October 24, 2021
Here is the link to the Sunday Worship Service--- October 24, 2021 - "Do Anything But Act".
There is also children's story about "Jesus Heals a Blind Man", with illustrations of Dutch painter Kees de Kort and read by Rev. Aspinall.
Our special mission for the month of October is Homeless Solutions, a vital ministry in Morristown which serves those who find themselves, for various reasons, without a place to live. A family can find themselves homeless and their bank account depleted very quickly, if the major wage earner has a medical crisis or is disabled and there is nobody to help. Homeless Solutions provides temporary housing to such a family until they are back on their feet again. Homeless Solutions also provides education and counseling, always with the goal of helping people become independent once again. Homeless Solutions addresses the problem of homelessness in a variety of ways – temporary shelter, transitional housing and permanent low-cost housing as well as a variety of educational and social services. To participate in this ministry, you can send a check to the church labeled “mission” or “Homeless Solutions.
Yours in Christ,
Barbara Aspinall