All Saints Sunday Worship Service - December 19, 2021
Here is the link to the Sunday Worship Service December 19, 2021 - "Love Unblinking".
On Sunday, December 19th, we will be worshiping at our church at 10 am. Our bell choir will be playing. We will all wear masks over both nose and mouth; we will be social distancing; and we will sing quietly behind our masks. We will continue to sign-in in case contact tracing is necessary.
Our special mission for the month of December is Jersey Battered Women's Service of Morris County. It is a full-service domestic violence and domestic abuse prevention agency. The services include a 24-hour hotline; counseling; safe house; transitional living; children's services; life skills education; vocational counseling; batterers' intervention; legal assistance; teen dating violence services; and professional training, education and prevention programs. The mission of JBWS is the prevention of domestic violence through the protection and empowerment of the victim, the rehabilitation of family members, the advocy of social reform to prevent partner violence, and the education of the public about domestic violence and its consequences. Their vision is to create a community-wide culture that refuses to tolerate the presence of any form of family or partner violence. More than 75 paid staff and 120 volunteers work together with the help of the community to fulfill the agency mission. Please mark your check 'mission' or JBWS.
Yours in Christ,
Barbara Aspinall