Sunday Worship Service -February 13, 2022
Here is the link to the Sunday Worship Servicee, February 13, 2022.
Join us for our in-person worship service in our sanctuary at 10.00 am. We hope to continue to worship in person on all the Sundays in February. We will be wearing our masks and social distancing.
Our special mission for the month of February is Family Promise. This is a mission we have been involved with for many years, especially our deacons. It is a ministry that helps to support homeless families and now, because of covid restrictions, our way of serving is to gather funds for our Deacons Fund so that grocery gift cards can be purchased for the families now living in a motel. The families can then buy the groceries they need. If you would like to particitpate, please send your check to the church and write in the memo line "Deacons Fund" or "Mission".
Yours in Christ,
Barbara Aspinall