Sunday Worship Service -March 27, 2022
All are most welcome to join us for our in-person worship service – Fourth Sunday in Lent - in the sanctuary at First Presbyterian in Stirling tomorrow, March 27th at 10 am. We will be wearing our masks and social distancing. Here is the link for the online service.
Our special mission for the month of March is Twelve Baskets Food Pantry. This is our local Long Hill Township Food Pantry sponsored by our church along with First Presbyterian Church Stirling and All Saints Episcopal Church in Millington where the pantry is housed. This food pantry's mission is to supply food to those in our community who are food insecure. The pantry is open every first and third Saturday morning of each month. All food collected by our church will now be distributed at Twelve Baskets. If you would like to make a monetary contribution, you may make your check available to the church with a notation in the comments that the contribution is for the "Food Pantry" or "Twelve Baskets". If you would like to particitpate, please send your check to the church and write in the memo line "Deacons Fund" or "Mission".
Yours in Christ,
Barbara Aspinall