Sunday Worship Service - March 26, 2023
All our welcome to join us in our in person Sunday Worship service at First Presbyterian Church in Stirling at 10 am. Here is the link to the online version.
The special mission for the month of March for both churches is One Great Hour of Sharing. A gift to One Great Hour of Sharing enables the church to share God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the world by providing relief to those affected by natural disasters, food to the hungry, and empowerment to the poor and oppressed. Feel free to use the special envelopes available in the church pews or send your gift directly to the church marked “OGHS.” Remember to include your name and/or your envelope number if you would like your donation to be recorded.
Rev. Barbara Aspinall said her farewell in the Worship Service of February 26, 2023. See the online version of the service here.