Easter Worship Service - April 9, 2023
All our welcome to join us in our in person Easter Worship services:Here is the link to the online version of Easter.
April 9, Early Easter morning 7:00 am at Hillview Farms, 223 Meyersville Road, Gillette. With refreshments afterwards with thanks to the Kielblock family
April 9, Easter Worship Service 10:00 am at First Presbyterian Church in Stirling – with the Handbell Choir playing
Here is the online version of Good Friday Worship Service
The Mission of the month of April is the Bridges Outreach Brown Bag Lunch Program: Each month, a few folks meet in Pollard Hall at FPC to prepare 40 brown bag lunches containing a sandwich, fruit cup or applesauce, drink, snack, mustard, spoon, and napkin. The lunches are delivered to the Bridges Outreach office in Summit to be distributed to many grateful members of the homeless community in Summit, Newark, Irvington, and even New York City.
If you would like to contribute to this mission, please send a check to the church, marked Bridges Outreach.