Sunday Worship Service - June 11, 2023
All our welcome to join us in our in person worship services which are held at Meyersville for the month of June, at 10:00 am.
Here is the link to the online version with our new minister, Rev. Stefanie Muntzel
Our Joint Monthly Mission for the month of June is VILLAGE2VILLAGE PROJECT
Village2Village Project began with nine school aged children who lived with elderly and sick grandparents or no adults at all and has grown to serve 134+ including many with special needs including HIV/AIDS. They provide casework support, two hot meals a day at our center, spiritual guidance, help with homework, comprehensive medical care and fun with a community of friends facing the same issues.
It all began in 2003 and they have grown to become a staffed organization that has been a recognized non-governmental organization (NGO) by the government of Uganda since 2006. Village2Village Project became a 501c3 charitable organization at the end of 2016. All donations are tax-deductible. They now have partners in 40 countries, reaching out from their “villages” into rural Africa to serve some of the world’s most desperate children.
If you would like to help with this ministry, please place your donation in the offering plate or send it to your church office marked “V2V” or MOM.
Thank you for supporting this mission program.