First Sunday of Advent, December 3, 2023
All our welcome to join us in our in person worship services which are held in our sanctuary for the month of December, at 10:00 am. Here is the link to the online version.
Our Joint Monthly Mission for the month of December is Family Promise.
Family Promise is the leading Morris County nonprofit addressing home-lessness and housing insecurity by providing a variety of services to ensure safe shelter and housing is accessible to all. Our support helps make their mission a reality by offering families and individuals in our community the promise of home. Please make a contribution and mark your check or en-velope with Family Promise.
Angle Tree
They say there are angles amongst us! And some angels came forward to provide for over 10 children in need with gifts this season. You may drop off your unwrapped gifts to Doris Mertz before December 10th, to her directly or to her attention at either church. These gifts will be delivered to Salvation Army for children in Plainfield on the 11th. Thank you for your generosity!