Sunday Worship Service, April 7, 2024
All our welcome to our in person services which are held for the month of April at our partner church, the First Presbyterian Church of Stirling, at 10:00 am.Here is the link to our online service. - a reprise with Rev. Barbara Aspinall "Not What You Thought" - and skit Caravaggio.
Our Joint Monthly Mission for the month of April is Bridges Outreach Lunch Program
Each month, a few folks meet in Pollard Hall at FPC to prepare 40 brown bag lunches containing. The lunches are delivered to the Bridges Outreach office in Summit to be distributed to many grateful members of the homeless community in Summit, Newark, Irvington, and even New York City. To help support our Bridges effort, please mark your donation “Bridges” and place it in the offering plate or send it directly to your church office.
Thank you!