Sunday Worship Service - August 29, 2021
Here is the link to the Sunday Worship Service-- August 29, 2021 - "Entertaining Angels Unawares".
Our July and August special mission is our local Food Bank. Our church has committed to providing canned mixed fruit, also sometimes labeled “fruit cocktail,” preferably the kind in its own juice and not the syrup. Other canned fruit – peaches, pears – are also welcome. In this time when many people are still unemployed, this food bank serves great needs in our community. Please plan to pick up some cans. You can leave them in the outside vestibule where the steps go down to Fellowship Hall or call the church to find out when Barbara will be there to receive your contribution. A financial gift labeled “fruit” will also provide money for our mission committee to purchase the canned fruit for the food bank.
Yours in Christ,
Barbara Aspinall