Sunday Worship Service, May 12, 2024
All our welcome to our in person services which are held for the month of May at our church at 10:00 am. Happy Mothers' Day.Our Joint Monthly Mission for the month of May is New Jersey Battered Women's Service
Our Joint-Church Mission Committee has chosen the Jersey Battered Women’s Service of Morris County as the Mission of the Month for May. This is a full-service domestic violence and abuse prevention agency. Their services include a 24-hour hotline, counseling, a safe house, services for children, vocational counseling, batterers’ intervention, and legal assistance. Their mission is the prevention of domestic violence through the protection and empowerment of the victim, rehabilitation of family members, and education of the public about domestic violence and its consequences.
In 2022, JBWS saw a shocking increase in the number of clients served in nearly every single one of their programs. There was a 98% increase in people receiving support from our adult counseling services, a 79% increase in adults and children seeking services from the Morris Family Justice Center, a 73% increase in days survivors stayed at JBWS' Emergency Safe House Shelter, and much more.
If you would like to support this ministry, please place your donation in the offering plate or send it to your church office marked “JBWS.”