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Examining what we believe and how we act on those beliefs can be both reassuring and unsettling. For example, we talk about our mission, but in reality, it is God’s mission and we are merely agents, empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out God’s will (mission) on earth.

We strongly support mission activities. Why? Because we have always been a church in mission, believing that at its core the church exists for a mission that flows from the very heart of God.

We believe the mission is not so much an obligation but an opportunity — to see how God, who is already present in all places, can and does work in marvellous new ways helping us grow in our own faith and commitment to Christ’s mission. It will mean continuing to risk, question, grow and seek, through prayer and interactions with others, what it is that we are called by the Holy Spirit to do as faithful servants of Christ.

Monthly Mission

In addition to our regular Sunday collection, we receive donations for Special Monthly Missions. Each month our Session designates a specific cause/concern for which donations are collected for the entire calendar month and then sent to that specific cause. Click on the link on the Missions page in the About Us menu for more information about this Mission.

List of missions

The missions Meyersville Presbyterian Church focuses their support on are:


Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

One Great Hour of Sharing

Homeless Solutions

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